Y’all have seen the porcelain throne squats, now we are going to apply that same idea when we go into The Home Depot. Get on to the toilet land section (that’s where all the toilets are located) Let’s get in a set of 8 Lil Babies!!!!! Start them throne squats! The workers may look at cha crazy, the customers may look at cha too, but you just show them how it’s done so they can get their redneck workout in too!
Listen y’all this redneck workout is to help get your body used to moving! I can’t help you lose 50lbs because I’ve never done it. I can’t help you get all big and buff because I’ve never done it. But I can show you some lil baby steps that will put a smile on your heart. It’s about connecting the mind, body, and soul to live a healthy, vibrant life. You can’t just wake up and start benching 300lbs if you’ve never done that before. You have to build up to it, just like with everything else. Start small and start where you are to begin living the life you’ve always wanted! YOU GOT THIS LIL BABIES!! 📷